Lift Station Services

Lift Station

Wastewater liftstations challenge gravity's pull by moving wasterwater from lower to higher elevations

Wastewater lift stations challenge gravity’s pull by moving wastewater from lower to higher elevations. The typical design is complex, but includes a wastewater receiving well (called a wet-well), pumps and piping, motors, a power supply, equipment controls and alarm systems, plus odor control systems. We have engineered and installed industrial, institutional and municipal lift station systems all over the State of Florida.

SanPik takes special pride in providing our team with our own in-house training on all the wastewater lift station system components. By properly installing a wastewater lift station, we can help reduce the cost of gravity feed sewer systems. Well-laid pumps allow the same sewer flow using smaller pipelines at a shallower depth, rather than using larger and more expensive gravity fed systems that require installation at greater depths.

Safety is our number one concern when preforming these deep excavations. SanPik has many years of experience utilizing traditional trench boxes, sheeting and shoring, and slide rail systems. SanPik has worked directly with engineers to design shoring systems to accomplish deep excavations to comply with OSHA trench safety standards.

Lift Station Projects

City of Maitland Lift Station #1 Relocation


(click for larger view)

Client: City of Maitland
Location: Maitland, Florida
Project Value: $6 million

SanPik was awarded this job by the City of Maitland in 2021. This job consisted of the installation of 6,000lf of PVC sewer pipe sizes ranging from 8″ to 24″. 3,320lf of 14″ HDPE Force Main. Complete road, sidewalk and landscape restoration. Also included demolition of existing lift station and the installation of a new submersible triplex lift station.

Lift Station 33 Osceola Parkway Gravity Sewer Rehabilitation


(click for larger view)

Client: TOHO Water Authority
Location: Kissimmee, FL
Project Value: $1.8 million

SanPik Inc. was awarded this project in 2023 by the TOHO Water to open cut and replace gravity sewer mains, laterals, and manholes. The project also consisted of the rehabilitation of gravity sewer mains and laterals by use of Cured-In-Place-Pipe (CIPP) lining, and manholes by sealing and coating.

Lift Station 18 Scott Blvd Gravity Sewer Rehabilitation


(click for larger view)

Client: TOHO Water Authority
Location: Kissimmee, FL
Project Value: $10.1 million

TOHO Water Authority awarded this project to SanPik Inc. This project consisted of replacing gravitysewer mains, laterals, and rehabilitate gravity sewer mains and laterals by Cured-In-Place-Pipe (CIPP) lining, and rehabilitate manholes by sealing and coating, within the Scott Blvd area.

Mt. Dora Master Lift Station #53


(click for larger view)

Client: City of Mt. Dora
Location: Mt. Dora, FL
Project Value: $2.2 million

This project included the installation of a brand-new lift station for the City of Mt. Dora. The lift station included two 30ft deep wet wells, 85HP pumps, associated mechanical piping, 400kw generator and site work. The offsite work included approximately 16,000 ft of 2” HDPE conduit via directional drill, 1,000 ft of PVC WM and RWM, 500ft of 12” gravity sewer and three jack & bores underneath an active railroad.

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